At least, it's the best job in the world for me....I am a Stay-At-Home-Mommy. When I decided to become a SAHM, it was a tough decision. I was looking at cutting our family income in half, going from good state insurance to awful seminary student insurance, and missing out on a fun job as a teacher. I realized that I would no longer have daily adult interaction. I wouldn't have praise and encouragement from coworkers and administrators any longer. (Who tells a SAHM how fantastically she is folding her husband's socks?) And I would miss out on the great joy of teaching a child how to read. I was worried about all of that. I talked to countless friends, asking for direction and advice. I planned. I created spreadsheets. I made pros and cons lists. I prayed. I cried. I worried. And I prayed some more. I finally made my choice. This is how:
I knew I was faced with three jobs: A teacher. A mom. And a minister's wife. I knew myself pretty well. I knew that I could not do all three jobs well. I was afraid that I would focus too much energy and time on being a teacher and mom that I would neglect my husband and our ministry, or maybe I would spend so much time being a mom and wife that I would slack as a teacher. So, I decided to pick two. Two jobs. I knew I could handle that. I chose the most important jobs. A mom and a wife. Looking back on the last year, I know that if I had to do all three, I would have made it. But to me, just making it is not enough. First Corinthians 10:31 says "...whatever you do, do it for the glory of God." How could I do everything for the glory of God if I over committed myself and stressed myself out? There are some very amazing women in this world. They can work, be an awesome mom, be a loving wife, and do it all amazingly. They can multitask like nobody's business. I can't. I can't even walk and chew gum at the same time! I respect those women a lot. But, since I am not one of those women, I decided to be a stay-at-home mommy.
It didn't make sense financially. One time, I had a lady say to me "Oh honey, it's nice to stay home-for those of you who can afford it." Well, mam, let me tell you. We couldn't afford it. But....God has provided. We don't have a lot. We don't have much extra. But we are richly blessed. Because God's will for my life was to stay home with Caleb, He made a way. I am so glad He did.
Today, was a great day. Not every day is like today. I don't want you to get the idea that being a SAHM is a piece of cake. It's not. It's hard work. However, today didn't feel so much like work. It was fun. This morning I woke up, got ready for the day, and had breakfast with my family. I rolled a ball around the living room and stacked toys with my son. I did dishes, laundry (of course), and cleaned the bathroom. I ran a couple errands and had a shopping spree at The Salvation Army. (Got three men's dress shirts, a tie, and a pair of baby shoes for 9 bucks!) Then, I got to have lunch at Gulf Coast Community College in Lucedale with Lance and some cool college kids. This afternoon, I sorted out the laundry/storage room (AKA junk room) and played outside with Caleb. I sat in the sun and watched him toddle his little self all over the backyard. Then my husband came home, and we got to sit and talk for a few minutes before he had to go back to church. Next, I got little man up from his nap, and we got to go to church where I get to sing in the choir and go to youth group. Today was a good day. Not every day is as easy as today, of course. You have the long days and even longer nights with a grouchy teething baby. You get tired of the huge lack of adult communication, and you start referring to the restroom as "the potty." And your Ipod is set to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star and Hokey Pokey! Nevertheless, all in all being a Stay-At-Home Mom is a wonderful job. It is definitely rewarding. I promised myself to stick this out for a year. I thought, "I can do anything for a year, and if I hate's only a year." Fortunately, I love it. Here I go on year number two!
Plus having a awesome, handsome husband makes the job that much easier. Peace!
ReplyDeleteI agree sweet Sarah. Today I was sorting out years of stuff getting ready for the move. It is a lot of work but such a joy to look through the YEARS of school papers that I have saved. Today I had the time to actually go through the boxes and weed out most of the stuff. I was tempted to just throw it all out without looking but I am so glad I took the extra time to look. Sweet memories of time I spent as a SAHM!!!