Wednesday, January 12, 2011

I, Sarah Sudduth, do solemnly swear...

I, Sarah Sudduth, do solemnly swear... to try out this new blogging thing for at least a year....or a good six months... or well a few weeks. I must admit to you, fellow bloggers, that commitment is something I lack. At least in the writing department. Don't get me wrong, I'm pretty decent with commitment when it comes to the big stuff. You know: for better or for worse, paying the electric bill on time, finishing school, going to work even when I didn't feel like it, etc. However, when it comes to writing, my commitment track record looks pretty rough. I can't tell you how many children's stories I have started, only to get halfway through and lose the only copy. Occasionally, I have been known to write poetry, but then I end up getting stuck trying to find a word that rhymes with orange and throw my pen in frustration never to return to the flopped poem. What rhymes with orange anyway? Grrrr. I'm getting mad all over again. Okay, back on topic. Distraction is another great downfall of mine when it comes to committed writing. Once I really get started and am "on a roll" so to speak, the phone rings, the UPS guy shows up on my doorway scaring me and the dog half to death, or the cookies I put in the oven an hour ago start to put off that terrible burnt smell. Nevertheless, I am going to give this new blog my best shot. Another try at this writing thing. Here it is. My blog.


  1. It becomes fun after a while, just have to get past the awkward first post... which you did :) Think of it as one really long facebook status, and you'll be good.
