Someone smart once said "Necessity is the mother of invention." Well today, I had a need. And after some careful consideration and meticulous planning, I concocted an invention. The squash popsicle!! Ta-dah! Now, I know you are very excited about this revolutionary invention, but before you break down my door trying to get to these new tasty treats let me tell you how they came about.
As you know, I have an adorable ten month old son, named Caleb. For the past five or six months Caleb has been enjoying another great invention called baby food. AKA: mashed, pureed, or squashed foods that no one over the age of 12 months would dream of eating. Well, alas, I believe the peaceful days of spoon feeding my sweet, well-mannered son his baby food from a jar are over. Caleb has realized the true joy of self-feeding. If he could talk, I am quite positive that his favorite phrase would be, "I can do it myself." Caleb will no longer allow Mommy to feed him. Instead, he prefers to grab the spoon himself, fling pureed bananas all over Mommy's face, and throw the spoon onto the ground. Which, by the way, Max the dog, thoroughly enjoys. So, listen closely, here comes the necessity part of my invention: I have an entire cabinet full of baby food, which my child will not eat. And, as much as I enjoy being covered in pureed bananas, squash, or green beans, I decided that I needed to do something different with the baby food. So..... I took an old ice cube tray, filled it with a favorite treat of Caleb's, squash! After a few hours, I took the tray out of the freezer and there it was: a tasty squash popsicle!
I have this cool, little food feeder than Caleb loves. It is especially used for fresh fruit that is too large for babies to eat on their own. It is designed to keep babies from choking on large bites of food. I took the frozen squash cubes out of the tray and put them, one at a time, in the feeder. Ta-dah! A frozen treat, fun for everyone, well.... at least for ten month olds. Caleb thought they were fantastic and gobbled up three cubes. Yummy!
Note: I do realize that this probably is not the most unique invention known to man. If you are a mommy and have done this a zillion times....well, I guess great minds think alike! Well, I hope I have inspired you all to go create popsicles of your own. Who knows what could be next? Mashed carrot popsicles? Prune popsicles? Or maybe a juicy sweet pea frozen treat? The possibilities are endless!
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