Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Goodbye First Street
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Monday, May 16, 2011
Ant Invasion
Saturday, May 14, 2011
A Piece of Paper
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Hanging with the 65+ crowd
Sunday, April 24, 2011
The Most Important Story I Will Ever Tell
After spending 40 days hanging out with His disciples and basically letting other people know He was really alive, He goes to heaven. He commands His disciples and followers to tell others about Him, and He explains that He will come back one day. No one really knows when He's going to come back. But, we do know that when He does it will be for judgement. Followers of God will have the reward of eternal life with our perfect God. Those who do not follow Jesus, will face the punishment of death, and eternal separation from God in Hell, a horrible, painful place. Because remember, sin equals death. The only way that followers get out of facing that terrible consequence is because Jesus took away our sin by dying in our place.
I know some people that read my blog, know all this very well. If you do, awesome. But if you are wondering so how do I end up becoming a follower of God, I can simply say: Your relationship with God can start with a prayer and a commitment. You have to tell God that you believe in Him and believe that Jesus is God's son. You have to admit that you have a sin problem, and you need his forgiveness and sacrifice. Then you have to commit your life to Him. This isn't just a quick little prayer that you say and then forget all about it. This is a life commitment. Everything about you will change. You still won't be perfect because remember, humans have that sinful nature. But, you will want to serve Him and follow Him. And most importantly, you will be His child.
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Confessions of a pack rat
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Uncle Jon meet Caleb- the grouchy, overmedicated zombie boy
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
I Have the Best Job in the World
Friday, March 11, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Caleb's First Year
Friday, February 25, 2011
Pasta makes me happy.
Monday, February 21, 2011
The Bane of My Existence...
Friday, February 18, 2011
28 chapters you don't want to miss
So, in the last couple of weeks I have been reading Leviticus. The night that I finished Exodus, I turned the page and gave Leviticus a good, long, blank stare. "Oh boy," I thought. "Good to see you again Leviticus." I have to admit to you now, I really wanted to just skip over the next 28 chapters and move on to a new book. However, something in me just wanted to find purpose in these seemingly boring 28 chapters. I believe that everything in the Bible is true, and that everything in there is there for a reason. I don't think that God would have a useless book just thrown in the Bible just to add to the number of pages. So, I read Leviticus. I took my time. I thought about it. I didn't scan through it. I researched a little on it. I would like to share with you what I learned and how I came to believe that indeed Leviticus is not useless or boring. If you have ever looked at the first page of Leviticus, sighed, and began trying to justify skipping over the entire book-this blog is for you.
Leviticus means pertaining to the Levities. The Levities were a family that descended from Levi, a son of Jacob. (one of the forefathers of the Israelite nation) The Levities were the guys in charge of the Tabernacle. (or later the Temple-the place of worship.) They were the ones to oversee worship and help the people follow God's laws. Some Levites became priests, like Aaron and his sons. So, basically the book was written primarily to guide the Levities in their very important job. Not action-packed like Joshua and his conquering of the promised land. Not poetic and inspirational like Psalms. Not historical and intriguing like Esther. But, still with a purpose. A guide. A book of instruction. A book that to me, points out the holiness of God.
The book addresses customs, feasts, laws and offerings. It tells the Levities how God wants these things to take place. So, you may be wondering, "What does that have to do with me? I'm not a Levite." That is exactly what I was thinking too. Because of Jesus' sacrifice and resurrection, we as Christians no longer have to follow these customs. We don't have to offer sin offerings of a male lamb on the alter in the Tabernacle anymore. So what does that have to do with me?
Everything. See, the book of Leviticus illustrates to me how very holy God is and how very seriously God takes sin. For example, if an Israelite sinned he would go through very time-consuming and costly rituals in order to receive forgiveness. He would first bring one of his bulls to the Tabernacle. The Levite priest would take that bull and kill it. Then he would take the blood of the bull and sprinkle it seven times in front of the curtain of the sanctuary. Then he would put blood on the front of the alter and pour the rest at the base of the altar. Then he would take all the fat out of the inner parts and around the kidneys and burn it on the altar. Then he would take the rest of the bull's body outside the camp and burn it in a wood fire until it was ashes. Sounds kinda gory huh? And difficult. I just summed up one paragraph for you. There are more paragraphs similar to this one that I won't summarize for you or else we would be here all day. The book is jammed packed with paragraphs just like this one, explaining difficult, time-consuming, and costly sacrifices that must be made in order to receive forgiveness of sin.
I think as modern-day Christians we forget how serious sin is to God. We quote a simple and thoughtless prayer of "God, forgive my sins" and move on. In the Old Testament, people recognized the seriousness of sin. I need to recognize the seriousness of Jesus' sacrifice of himself in order that I can have salvation. I no longer have to do those rituals. I can have a personal relationship with him. This is wonderful.
Okay, so the purpose of this blog is not to preach to you. I just want you to give Leviticus a chance. You just might learn something. I did.
Monday, February 14, 2011
Pick-up Lines
Thursday, February 10, 2011
Immense Patience
Monday, February 7, 2011
The King Cake
Even though I am not so crazy about King Cake, I did enjoy learning about it. So, everyone enjoy some King Cake this Mardi Gras, and watch out for the baby!
Tuesday, February 1, 2011
My puppy dog thinks he is a little boy and my little boy thinks he is a puppy dog
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
I would like to point out that even though Caleb does love this toy along with his many other blocks, stuffed animals, balls and light-up games, his favorite things to play with are not baby toys. He loves grown-up toys. His top favs are daddy's ipod, the laptop (which for a short time last week was missing the letter P after you-know-who got ahold of it), and mommy's cell phone. The latter "grown-up toy," my cell phone, has a jammed number 8 button. Just in case you get a text from me that is missing the letters t, u, or v, now you know why. I am sort of contemplating the idea of stopping buying toys for this kid until he's about 3. Honestly, he is more content playing with pots and pans than the faniciest toys Fisher Price can put out. In fact, this afternoon, Caleb played with a large plastic spoon and spatula for 20 minutes while I was cooking. Twenty minutes! Do you know how long he would have lasted playing with one of his kid toys? Oh.... about 19 minutes shorter than that. Anyway, before you get mad at me and report me to child's services for abusing my child and not buying him toys, let me assure you that as long as grandparents are around Caleb will never lack in the toy department! ;-) And those of you freaking out about small buttons choking small children, rest assured that Caleb is not allowed to play with things like cell phones and laptops, he just doesn't seem to understand that concept, yet.
Okay, I chased a little bit of a rabbit there. Back to the Alphabet Caterpillar. Let me remind you, that I really like this toy. And I really like Leapfrog. And I really like the alphabet and do not have a problem with caterpillars in general. However... this cute little caterpillar plays a song that has me quite annoyed, and I would like to share it with you:
A, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, ello-minnow-pee..... Huh? What? You are probably wondering what-in-the-heck kinda alphabet has the letter ello-minnow-pee after the letter k. Well, let me introduce you to Sarah Sudduth's pet peeve #1. It gets on my last nerve when teachers and parents teach their children to sing the alphabet song so incredibly fast that they have no clue what letters they are singing! L-M-N-O-P would be the main problem letters. But, I try to be understanding. Most parents don't realize that this will be a problem. But Leapfrog? Come on! Don't you people do studies on education? You advertise being one of the best for learning games, and yet you are teaching preschoolers that the letter between K and Q is ello-minnow-pee! Seriously? You can do better.